Product details:
Granny Smith Reachable Apples are a traditional favorite for a reason. They are versatile and delicious apples that have a crunchy texture when fresh, but they become delightfully soft and juicy when cooked. Granny Smith is a popular choice baked into pies, tarts and dumplings or fresh in tasty caramel apples. By late October, the skin is still green, but their flavor is at its peak. This variety stores quite well for up to 6-months in cold storage. Deluxe tree kit includes 2 oz. Quik-Cal Pelletized Calcium, 12 oz. bag of Fruit Tree Food Starter Formula, Easy to use Tree ties and a Premium Tree Guard. This is a Reachable Tree producing full sized fruits on a smaller tree, making it easier to fit in your garden and to harvest.